History of School Initiatives 1999-Present

Dr. Mike and Natalie McDermott began impacting schools with the gospel and education at a young age. Dr. Mike began traveling to local elementary and middle schools as a high school student with the local police department as a D.A.R.E speaker and Natalie headed up Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) initiatives. Upon the massacre in Littleton, Colorado at Columbine High School and several copycat shootings across the nation, several students in Mike's school created hit list, made bomb threats, caused school evacuations, and other student led terrorism threats in his school. As the football captain, all conference athlete in multiple sports, Home Coming King, and a christian he felt the divine responsibility to stop these student led threats of terror. Knowing that he would be the number one target and candidate to take the big hit in his school he decided to launch BLITZ anyways. BLITZ was a student led and student initiated anti-violence and bully prevention club. BLITZ attracted over 150 students to their weekly meetings. Mike and his team created and distributed over 200 T-Shirts with he 10 Commandments printed on the back with the words "THE CAN TAKE THEM OFF THE WALLS BUT NOT OFF OUR BACKS!". The BLITZ team also raised funds to purchase bibles for every student in their public school. They purchased 2,000 bibles and began handing out hundreds of bibles a week in the school. Mike personally led over 1,000 of his fellow classmate in a personal prayer and decision to make Christ their Lord and Savior. BLITZ was highlighted in several newspapers and highlighted through interviews on several television networks. BLITZ launched Mike instantly into campus ministry, never to look back.
History of School Initiatives Continued...
School Initiatives Video 1999-2003 |
History of School Initiatives Continued...

Upon graduation from High School both Dr. Mike and Natalie became assembly speakers for several successful school programs such as Reach For The Best from New Mexico's CareNet and Aim For Success from Texas. Dr. Mike also worked with Big Brothers Big Sisters of America paring students with mentors. Additionally, they have reached thousands of students internationally in schools on the continent of Africa. Dr. Mike and Natalie built some of the largest student ministries in the nation reaching thousands of young people in local churches and launching several other school initiatives reaching countless thousands of young people. They have worked as pastors and staff members in 4 churches in the top 1% to .05% of size in the nation with weekend attendance 2,500 to 25,000 and led student teams for churches as large as 40,000 in attendance.
History of School Initiatives Continued...
In 2011 Dr. Mike was a founding board member and co-managing director for a school program called Bully Proof USA that attracted further media attention, celebrity endorsements, reached countless thousands of students and more. With Bully Proof USA, Dr. Mike co-authored the book Not In My School. After much demand from both public and private schools for a broader school program that focused on how life decisions dealing with drugs, alcohol, sex education, equality, identity, and character affect grades and test scores the McDermotts decided to expand the Bully Proof USA program into what is known today as UpGrade. The McDermotts expanded into UpGrade, FAITH EDITION as 501c 3 non-profit initiative to elevate grades by upgrading entire schools, dioceses, and school districts one student at a time through education and awareness. Combined the McDermotts have more than 40 years of experience in student education, student ministry, and school initiatives speaking to countless thousands young people across the globe. They have worked with hundreds of churches and hundreds of schools of all sizes and denominations. They have been keynote speakers, managing directors, and/or founders for school programs that have been featured by ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox Sports, ESPN, CBN, 700 Club, TBN, Time Magazine, Rolling Stones Magazine, newspaper publications, endorsed by heads of state, worked with celebrities, and worked with and endorsed by major league sports teams such as the NHL Dallas Stars and MLB Texas Rangers.
Other Leadership Experience to Inspire Students

Raised as a devoted Roman Catholic being baptized, confirmed, receiving first communion, receiving penance and reconciliation in the Catholic Church as well as being dedicated, licensed, and ordained as a interdenominational minister for 15 years Dr. Mike has worked with a wide-array of Christian denominations to reach students, keeping the focus on the Love of God. The denominations he has worked with to reach students are Catholic, Non-denominational, Vineyard, Presbyterian, Methodist, Charismatic, Pentecostal, Baptist, Lutheran, and more.
Dr. Mike invested 16 years of his life from undergraduate to doctoral education to earn a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Church Ministries. He earned his Doctor of Ministry at Oral Robert's University and did his dissertation on bullying in schools. He has also earned a Master of Human Services Counseling and a Master of Church History and Christian Doctrine from Regent University. He completed his undergraduate at Christ for the Nations Institute and Tide Water Community College. Dr. Mike has worked as a faculty member in three different colleges, universities, and institutes of Christian higher education. For years Dr. Mike traveled weekly, flying between and working with three different mega ministries as a Director of Student Ministries, Student Pastor, Student Ministries Consultant, and School Programs Managing Director and Speaker at the same time to impact over 50,000 people per week, hundreds of churches, schools, and organizations by leading 1,200 interns, staff, and volunteers with the gospel. Dr. Mike has been responsible for the management and leadership of the combined annual finances and assets of $10s of millions for several years. He has lead and secured multi-million dollar contracts by working with companies ranging less then $1,000,000 to as large as $23+ billion and other significant contracts with companies as large as $60 billion.
Dr. Mike invested 16 years of his life from undergraduate to doctoral education to earn a Doctor of Ministry in Leadership and Church Ministries. He earned his Doctor of Ministry at Oral Robert's University and did his dissertation on bullying in schools. He has also earned a Master of Human Services Counseling and a Master of Church History and Christian Doctrine from Regent University. He completed his undergraduate at Christ for the Nations Institute and Tide Water Community College. Dr. Mike has worked as a faculty member in three different colleges, universities, and institutes of Christian higher education. For years Dr. Mike traveled weekly, flying between and working with three different mega ministries as a Director of Student Ministries, Student Pastor, Student Ministries Consultant, and School Programs Managing Director and Speaker at the same time to impact over 50,000 people per week, hundreds of churches, schools, and organizations by leading 1,200 interns, staff, and volunteers with the gospel. Dr. Mike has been responsible for the management and leadership of the combined annual finances and assets of $10s of millions for several years. He has lead and secured multi-million dollar contracts by working with companies ranging less then $1,000,000 to as large as $23+ billion and other significant contracts with companies as large as $60 billion.

Dr. Mike & Natalie have traveled the world to see the Kingdom of God established through the mission of ministry, business, politics, and education. Dr. Mike has led with as many as 10 different companies and organizations in several nations at one time. Some of the companies and organizations he has led include drug and alcohol rehabilitation centers and clinics, mission organizations that focus on feeding, clothing, and educating children in poverty and orphans in the poorest nations in the world, reaching inner city at risk youth in some of America's largest cities, job training in low employment communities, affordable housing projects, and more. For many years Dr. Mike has traveled regularly to Africa every 30-60 days and domestically across the U.S.A monthly.
Some of the other nations and territories Dr. Mike and Natalie have traveled are Mexico, Panama, Peru, Costa Rica, Thailand, Zambia, Namibia, South Africa, Mozambique, Portugal, Netherlands, United Arab Emirates, Honduras, Germany, Dominican Republic, Bahamas, Switzerland, St. Lucia, England, Belize, St. Kitts & Nevis, St. Martin, West Indies, Barbados, France, Spain, Italy, Vatican City State, Tunisia, Greece, Qatar, the territory of Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Antigua, and to over 35 of the 50 United States.
He has been a public figure, greater county president, and regional director for a political party to represent ages 18 to 40 in a region of America larger then 35 of the American states. He has hosted candidate forums for US Senate in his home, State Senate, State Representative, and local offices as well as assisted in events for U.S. Presidential candidates. His efforts have attracted positive attention and awards from other nation's heads of state.
He has been a public figure, greater county president, and regional director for a political party to represent ages 18 to 40 in a region of America larger then 35 of the American states. He has hosted candidate forums for US Senate in his home, State Senate, State Representative, and local offices as well as assisted in events for U.S. Presidential candidates. His efforts have attracted positive attention and awards from other nation's heads of state.

Since their marriage, Natalie has worked side by side with Dr. Mike in their student ministry efforts. Natalie has earned a Master of Organizational Leadership in Consulting from Regent University and a Bachelor of Professional Development from Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Her undergraduate degrees and diplomas are from Christ for the Nation's Institute, Victory Bible College, and Albuquerque Technical Vocational Institute. Natalie also has several years experience mentoring and leading student groups on international trips with Teen Mania Ministries. Dr. Mike and Natalie have a passion for education and young people. They would be thrilled to visit your school or organization with the UPGRADE team!